Friday, September 13, 2013

Ice Cream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Scream

I love the ballpark. I cannot begin to imagine how many ballgames I have attended. Hundreds and hundreds of baseball games - majors and minors. Numerous football games. Hockey. Soccer. Basketball. Golf. Sporting events are a lot of fun.

Just read an article involving a vendor in Detroit who may have been fired because he didn't want people to put ketchup on hot dogs - only mustard. And while I couldn't agree more (ketchup is evil) it's a bit extreme. However I recall a friend calling me from Fenway Park to say she was eating a bowl of chowder. I asked her where her beer was and how could she catch a foul ball holding a bowl and a spoon? I'm sorry but traditions are nice. Put mustard on your dogs, don't eat soup and always keep a hand free for a foul ball.

While I am trying to make an effort to watch Saturday football - I live in a college town - the NFL is becoming ridiculous. It's the next phase of Big Time Wrestling. I did not watch a snap of pro football last week but I did catch a few headlines. Here is what I got - the Giants cheated by faking injuries, the Titans took a safety by catching a kick-off, and Aaron Hernandez can't watch football from jail. Oh wait, there's more...there's a member of the Dolphins who will not be fined for flipping the finger, a Broncos Linebacker may or may not have a warrant out for his arrest and more than a few referee's have 'apologized' for bad calls.

Seriously, the NFL has become a joke. And I don't miss it. This Sunday my attention will be on three soccer games in which the score won't matter. The games will require playing hard, doing your best and having fun - and everyone gets a juice box after the game. That's what sports is all about.

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