Friday, April 20, 2007


If spring is in the air it is time to buy a new mattress.

That could mean a few things. First, there is a little play on the word 'spring'. Most mattresses are made of springs and if one is the air, the mattress should be replaced. On the other hand, spring is a time known for rebirth and reproduction throughout the animal kingdom. And if you follow your animal instincts enough, you just may wear out your old mattress.

The word 'smashing' is a good double entendre. When used in terms of proper English it means good. When used by, say, members of the Clash, it is destructive. (Thank you JetSpeed.)

Everything planted in the Dandelion Garden is filled with multiple meanings. Okay, that may be stretching it, but there is some thought put into these ramblings. Didn't you like the 'gum' reference at the end of the last post?

One of the nicest things about good weather is simply being able to get out of the house more. There were many periods thoughout the winter when I only stepped outside to check the mail and take out the garbage. This week, we've been all over the place. Yesterday at Home Depot Mo and Hank were sitting next to each other in the race-car cart. Although they thought they were steering I was the one driving a little crazy through the aisles. At one point I told Mo to hold on to her brother as I took a sharp turn. She put her arm around him and didn't let go. Ever. We went through the rest of the store and she had a good grip on him the whole way. We got some pretty good smiles.

Smashing! (the good way)

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