Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Miss Harry

As a stay-at-home parent, I have to admit we watch way too much television. Hank shouldn't be watching any, yet I am sure he can identify Elmo in a lineup. Of course that is primarily because his sister yells "DAD! MELMO!" when Elmo's World begins on Sesame Street. She also yells "WOCKET" when Little Ensteins start and "BABLO" when the Backyardigans begin. She likes Mickey's Clubhouse but doesn't yell his name. She does, however, "quack" when Donald appears. At least I think it is a "quack" - it's hard to tell what either of them are saying.

I do try to curb the watching of TV. I limit the consumption to just a few shows during the day. Along with the ones already mentioned, we occasionally watch The Price Is Right and Sportscenter. And with the start of the baseball season we often catch an afternoon game at Wrigley. Today, the Cubs took on the Brewers and after a bit of a rain delay we watched the game. Michael Keaton sang "Take Me Out To the Ballgame." I'm not sure how old he is now, but he certainly looks it. His Batman days are definitely over. Maybe he could play Alfred the butler. Anyway, he led the fans to a mediocre singing of the song Harry Caray made great. And when he finished, the crowd roared. And Mo clapped. I really didn't even know she was paying any attention. But when the song was over she clapped and looked at me to clap as well. So I did.

Hey, she's a Cubs fan.

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