Thursday, April 12, 2007

Billy Pilgrim

Vonnegut is gone. And so is Imus. Happy, happy. Sad, sad.

(Or actually, sad, sad, happy, happy, but you get the point.)

Last night a storm hit our area. Our neighborhood. Our house. Okay, not really the house but everything on our deck. I opened the blinds just in time to see our cheap plastic table soar out of the yard. In the morning I found its pieces thoughout the surrounding lawns. We also lost the antler to a moose. I thought he was made of wood but apparently he is some type of ceramic. I may be able to super-glue him back together. What good is a one-antlered moose? The lilly frog will be lonely without him.

So it goes.

I can't find my copy of Slaughterhouse Five. It has been years since I read it and I am sure it has turned a dull shade of paperback yellow somewhere in the basement. I did find Breakfast of Champions. It was right next to On the Road. Oddly enough, I recently had a discussion about Jack Kerouac with my dad. We were in the golf cart driving around his Florida condominium complex. He started telling me about a documentary he saw about a guy that wrote a book about traveling across the country. He seemed more concerned about the post-depression, post World War II aspect of the story. So I was confused until he said the title was On the Road. I told him that other than Animal Farm and most of Shakespeare, On the Road was the only work I have read more than once in my life. (Animal Farm is short - an afternoon read. And a Shakespearean play cannot be understood in one reading, no matter what anyone says.) So, I pulled both books off the shelf. One for me, one for dad.

Both for Kurt. And Billy. So it goes.

Fish die. Not long ago, we bought and assembled a good-sized fish tank - 28 gallons, freshwater. We have tried to follow basic instructions for the maintenance and care of such a tank. We have varieties of fish that supposedly are happy together. We check the water regularly and and make adjustments with the proper chemicals. And we feed them enough, but not too much. Still, they occasionally die. I would say we have purchased about 15 fish and lost 3 in the last two months. That's probably a good ratio, but what do I know? Somewhere, deep in my psyche, the whole fish tank project is just a replacement for Jack. He would have liked the fish. In more ways than one.

And so it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - I consider myself Billy Pilgrim as it relates to ideas and my ADD. Don't laugh, I'm serious.

Consider the lack of control one might sometimes have to focus on something. You lose a seemingly good thought. Sometimes they come back. The randomness of it.

Sent Kurt a letter once, hoping to get his autograph. I gushed, he blew me off. And so it goes.