Friday, February 23, 2007


Cookies are easy to make. I don't mean the kind where you open the package, break off a few pre-cut chunks and put them in the oven. I mean from scratch. I made cookies today and although the ready-to-bake kind might be really frickin' easy, pulling out the flour and eggs and sugar is not that tough. The cookies I made may not taste any better than the pre-manufactured kind, but they feel better.

Make your own cookies.

I have all the necessary equipment to make beer. (That really should not be a shock.) I have done it a few times and it has always gone well. But nothing I created ever tasted as good as a Harp or Bass or Bodington's. Maybe someone needs to come up with easy, ready-to-brew beer chunks. That's something I would invest in.

Buy good beer.

I have thought about opening a coffee shop. Actually I would open a chain of shops, but that is just the way I think. The easiest thing to do would be to buy into a franchise. But I really don't want to do that. I would rather take my chances on my own and see if I can do better than all the major chains in the world. My odds of success would be small, but at least I could fail my way.

Take chances.

We have recently purchased a large fish tank - 28 gallons. That's not very big for all the fish-geeks out there, but it's a good size for us. It's all ready to go and just waiting for some actual fish. Apparently you need to wait a while to make sure the water is just right before adding fish to the tank. Something tells me Chick's patience is about to wear thin and we'll have fish by the end of the weekend. Anyway, I don't know why I wanted a fish tank. We already have a few small tanks - one with a goldfish, another with a frog. We also have a terrarium with a tree frog. That's a lot of creatures in the house. I guess I like taking care of things.


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