Monday, January 07, 2008

Winter Blues? Dumbass!

Today was one heck of a day to finish out the first week of January. It was nearly 70 degrees in these parts and often sunny enough to squint. We actually turned off the furnace and opened the windows for a bit of fresh air. It certainly has been a nice relief that is certain to be followed by a foot of snow in the upcoming weeks.

It would not be surprising to hear many people claim that this minor surge in temperature has to do with global warming. While I have the utmost respect for science, especially when it is compared to religion, I am not completely sold on the global warming thing. My main premise is this - the Earth is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years old. As homo sapiens we have only been a part of the planet for a little more than 100,000 years. We really only have a history of our time on Earth for a few thousand years. And, most importantly, our recorded history of weather patterns only goes back a few centuries. Sure, our scientist have done a lot of very sophisticated research in recent times, but are we really smart enough to have any idea what is truly happening to this planet? Hell, we still don't know what Goofy is. A dog? A horse? What the hell is he?

In the last planting of the garden, two different current events were mentioned that I am now having a hard time figuring out. I am not sure which story is becoming more pathetic, the Roger Clemens steroid thing or whatever the hell Britney Spears is doing. Clemens pleaded his case to Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes last night and most people are still confused. Spears has Dr. Phil helping her out and she is now more confused. Maybe Mike Wallace needs to talk to Dr. Phil and the Rocket and Britney could spend some time together. It could all be filmed and presented as a reality show on Fox.

And speaking of Fox, Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter gave the executives there and at ABC a good tongue lashing on Monday. He was excluded from the recent debates by the two broadcasters because he was too low in the polls. In a brief speech in which he was expected to drop out of the race, he repeatedly referred to media executives as 'knuckleheads' for excluding him and other candidates in the exchange of ideas. And instead of giving up, he vowed to press on regardless of what the media thinks of him. In the little research I did regarding Duncan I don't think I could ever vote for him, but I have to applaud his effort.

And finally, it is going to be a sad day tomorrow in my home town as the Buckeyes are about to lose another championship game. It will be the third major championship loss in one year's time - two football and one basketball. I think I'm getting tired of living in a second-rate city. It's time to head south and find a place where it's 70 degrees all winter long!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.