Thursday, January 03, 2008


I'm bored. I already have the winter blues. Yes, I know it's only the beginning of January, but the lack of sunlight is draining my being on a daily basis. Sure, I know that since the winter solstice days are now getting longer. That's why we celebrate Saturnalia, duh! But I am still feeling quite lethargic. I barely wanted to open a beer earlier this evening - that's how bad it is. But, alas, here we are, four (or five) beers later...

In the news today............Barack Obama and Mike Huckabee won their respective caucuses; Roger Clemens says he was injected with vitamins, not steroids; and a witness from the San Francisco zoo has come forward stating that she saw various people taunting a lion before the tiger attack. Yeah, you know where I'm going with this one. Politics? No. Baseball? No. A tiger coming to the defense of it's friendly neighbor? Oh yeah! Everyone that has ever seen The Hair Bear Bunch knows that tigers and lions have been scheming for years to fight their oppressors and escape the confines of the zoo. I say we round up all the 'big cats' and send them to Guantanamo Bay - without legal representation - and ban them from the Hall of Fame.

Oh yeah, one more bit of news, Britney Spears' attorneys for her child custody case, dropped her as a client. Why is that news?

By the way, for those of you that don't know, this is the Hair Bear Bunch:

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