Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Wow, I can't believe I have not made a post in nearly two months. That's a lot of diapers ago. And at least 75 episodes of Backyardigans. More than a few trips to Starbucks - Mo now asks for a coffee too. She gets ice water but sips it just the same. I've spent a lot of my 'writing time' on football in recent months. I've been putting together two articles a week. But I'm taking the week off thanks to the holiday. So screw football. My fantasy teams stink anyway. And the NFL is fixed, but that's an entirely different blog.

Thanksgiving may be one of my least-favorite holidays. I'm just not a big fan of eating. Okay, I know we need to eat but is gorging really necessary? If I'm going to eat a lot of something it's going to be something good like cheesecake or beef jerky. Not turkey and cranberry sauce. Yam's are okay but they need a ton of brown sugar, and my family isn't in to fixing noodles. (There are a few of you out there that get that joke.)

So Opie found a man's purse that had $50 in it. He waited a week for someone to claim it and when no one did, the money was his. Andy made him put $40 of it in savings and let him spend the rest. He bought a fishing rod. What do you think a kid would spend ten bucks on these days?

On a final note, as an excuse for not creating much in this Garden lately, we have been spending a lot of time at the YMCA and doing many other 'family' things. But if I have to sing 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' one more time I think I'll need to shoot myself in the head, shoulder, knees and toes.

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