Busy. I have been very, very Busy lately and have subsequently ignored the Garden.
Blog. I have mentioned before that I am actually working on numerous Blogs. If you're interesting in learning something about Alonzo Mourning or Zsa Zsa Gabor or Red Buttons, jump over to the Circling Buzzards. There's not much new on the Baby Blog but check it in a few days. Trust me. I've just been Busy.
Buying a house. I can't say we have actually found our new home yet, but we certainly are trying. Of course it helps to sell our current one. We're working on that too. See Below.
Bathroom. Particaularly the Bathroom that I have painted recently. I really don't mind the painting, it's the taping and cleaning and moving stuff around that's a pain in the Butt. But the Bathroom does look much better without the Brady Bunch wallpaper.
Bowl. As in SuperBowl. For the matter, Brady, Belichick, Branch and Bruschi. And I guess for Boston too.
Brain. My Brain. The one that is getting too old to play Teen Jeopardy. Regular, old-people Jeopardy - no problem. But I have absolutely no idea who played on Party of Five. I don't think I ever will.
Budget. Bush's Budget of Bombs, Bullets and Billions for Baghdad.
Basement. Our Basement that is finally getting the new carpet it deserves. Although I have a certain attachment to the orange plush it has become apparent that updating a house helps to sell it.
Baseball. Pitchers and Catchers report next week and I have already submitted one pre-season article. Fantasy Leagues will be starting soon, which means I'll be even Busier.
Baby. Chick tells me our little girl is Busy too - kicking and punching and probably screaming. At least she doesn't have to paint a Bathroom or Buy a new house or pull up Basement carpet or worry about Bombing another country or write about Baseball or even create a Blog. She just has to get Born.
(Big smile.)
1 comment:
B is for Belch, which Jim is quite good at after some Becks.
B is for Brave. It is.
B is for Boring. Like I'm getting now.
B is for Belated, Jim. Don't leave us hanging any longer.
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