There are quite a few new things going on in our lives. Just in the past eight days I learned that I will be a father to a little girl, I got a new computer and a new car. The daughter thing is wonderful and I needed a new computer so I can better update the baby blog. The car was out of necessity - it would be rather difficult to fit the baby seat in the back of the Spyder. Don't worry, I didn't cave in and buy a mini-van. Just traded in the one Mitsubishi for another. Screw buying american, the Japanese build better cars.

Throughout the day I had been planning on planting something in the blog and feature all of my new news. I've had the image of Gary Gnu in my head all day. If you don't remeber Gary Gnu think about this, "there's no gnews like good gnews on the Gary Gnu Show."
No one has died in our death pool yet, but it's only been one month. I would never have thought of Johnny Carson. I didn't realize he was quite as old as he was. And I always pictured him laughing and playing tennis. Ed McMahon is a whole different story. An overweight alcohlic that has pissed off one too many people on Star Search. He'll be on my list next year.
I've been thinking quite a bit about the daughter I will be raising soon. And I'm not sure which will happen first - she tells me to "fuck off" or she tells me I'm "fucked up." Either way, that will be the moment that I'm looking forward to the most. Second will be the bill to her wedding which just edged out college tuition. Actually I don't mind any of those things. I just hope she doesn't drop the F-bomb before she's five.
"May I have ten thousand marbles, please?" - Flounder, Animal House
As always, I plan to contribute more to the Garden all the time. But shit happens and sometimes I just don't quite get to it. Regardless, I enjoy the little bit that I produce and I hope you do too.
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