Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Moist Spell

What a great word - MOIST. It nearly sounds like what it means. Not quite onomatopoeia, but really I just wanted to type that word. (Onomatopoeia not moist) (But moist is a good word too) Anyway, the reason I've been in a moist spell, as opposed to a dry spell, is that I've actually done quite a bit of writing lately. Along with writing articles for getsportsinfo.com I am now managing four different Blogs. I have found that as long as I have an outlet for some creativity (and mental excursions) that the result of the experience is irrelevant. So, I have been neglecting the Garden. It's my Garden and not even Dandelions can grow at the temperature at which I am currently living.

I hope many of the loyal viewers of this blog took the time to visit the Circling Buzzards. Again the concept may be a bit disturbing. But I have enjoyed commemorating each person on our list with creating a little biographical tribute on their birthday. And it has been quite an educational experience for me. For example, I had no idea that Stephen Hawking was not diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease until he was 21 years old. Or that Willie McCovery went 4 for 4 in his first major league game against Hall of Fame pitcher Robin Roberts. Or that John Delorean wasn't in jail! So the death pool has made me smarter.

And on a completely different note, tonight, for the first time, Chick's pregnancy has officially disrupted my life. I've been writing a baseball article all evening and I just recently wrapped it up. I thought it would be nice to have a little drink and for some reason a Captain Morgan and Coke sounded good. Well, we're out of the Captain. That would never have happened if Chick weren't pregnant.

And speaking of Chick, I just realized that she is watching American Idol. While carrying my baby!!! I'm not one to put headphones on my wife's stomach and play the baby Beethoven but I'd like the kid to have a chance! Now he or she is either going to be really mean like that one asshole judge or coming out singing really bad and not know it.

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