Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Night with Otis

A few hours ago I had the option of watching golf, baseball or football. And while that decision may appear to be difficult, it was just the end of the second round of the PGA Championship, the Reds versus the Nationals and a pre-season game for the Bengals. So, none of the options were worth fighting for. Of course fighting wouldn't have mattered - we ended up watching the Wonder Pets - "Linny, Tuck and Ming Ming too!"

"This is serious!"

In the last two days I have become addicted to Mafia Wars on Facebook. It's easy to do because everyting deals with accomplishments. I don't get to accomplish many things these days. Sure, Mo can count to 30 in Spanish, Hank can name the starting lineup for the Brewers (he likes Milwaukee) and the Big O, well, likes to eat. But those feats are not really mine to claim. That's just kids growing. I'll be happy to raise enough cash to buy three tommy guns and an armored sedan so I can knock off a few people. THAT's accomplishing something!

"Save the Walrus. SAVE THE WALRUS!"

Next year I am not planting Zuchini in the garden. If you read the last post you know that we now have a vegetable garden. And that I whacked the Zuchini last weekend. Well, as expected, it is growing back even more fervently than before. And that's not really the problem. My biggest problem is that kids just don't like Zuchini. Buttered - no. Garlic salt - no. Deep fried - no. Kids don't like it. I'm tempted to introduce Zuchini Pop-Tarts, but I'm sure they won't like those either.

I have no idea why I capitalized the word 'Zuchini' in that last paragraph.

That's enough about the kids. I mean, I just had an entire paragraph in my head about how the kids don't want to go outside anymore, and not just because it's too hot, it's just that they are bored with the outside things. But that's enough! No more kid's shit! I have more in my life than just kids. I have hermit crabs and fish and a dog. And a couple of fantasy teams. And Mafia Wars...

Oh, crackers.....I need help.

('crackers' is our new word for 'damn' ever since Mo started using the 'D' word)

SHIT, it still comes back to the kids!!!!!!


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