Thursday, October 30, 2008


My computer crashed. That's my excuse for not planting anything in the Garden for nearly two months. Sure, it just crashed a few days ago but that is irrelevant. We've ordered a new computer and it is on the way. For now I'm using my trusty Gateway desktop that I bought when we lived in Clifton. That's a couple of houses ago. The thing is still going strong as long as I don't want to download anything or visit any web sites that require graphics. And forget about live-scoring for my fantasy football teams. I'm just glad it's not baseball season. I'd be going berserk.

There will be no more apologizing in the Garden for not keeping it tended properly. That's just where life is these days. I don't really get much time to myself let alone time to get on the computer - when it works! Three kids take up some time. I'm not complaining - life is great. It's just that I'm lucky to be able to check my email in the morning between warming up a bottle and wiping maple syrup off the walls and orange juice off the dogs.

This past Saturday was very strange. The two older kids were really worn out and took a nap for more than two hours. Maybe closer to three. Meanwhile the Big O slept through most of the afternoon. At one point Chick looked at me and said, "if this is what your days are like, you don't get to complain ever again."

But enough about kids...

Let's talk about Joe the Plumber. Actually, let's not. Screw politics. How about bailouts? Nah. The Phillies won the World Series! Big deal. I'm in first place in two of my fantasy football leagues. Whoopeeeee. Okay, maybe things are a bit drab around here.

I need to get out more.

And do some planting.

But I'm not making any promises.

1 comment:

Greg (Rug) said...

Looks like we now know how to kill a dandelion garden.

Three kids.