Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nothing but Friends

I have absolutely not a thing to say. I'm just sitting here listening to music - the Beatles right now - with Friends on TV, muted, while checking out various web sites. The kids have been in bed for a while and Chick was right behind them. At least I have time to myself.

Whose breasts were propotionally larger by the end of the Friends series? Rachel, Monica or Chandler?

Madonna's birthday is today. She's 49. Frickin' Madonna is 49. Sure, she still looks great but she spends her days either practicing yoga or doing stomach crunches. But the next step is 50. Madonna at 50? Is 50 the new 40?

Did Phoebe's boobs get bigger? I never liked her much. Too goofy, or maybe too dumb. And there is something strange about her nose. I don't know what.

I must change my I-pod. For some reason the song "C is for Cookie" is playing right now. Or I've watched Sesame Street so much I'm dreaming this. But Cookie Monster is right, a cookie with a bite out of it does look like a C.

The summer is nearly over and I can't wait. I really don't like the heat. I prefer living in jeans and a t-shirt. Or even a long sleeve shirt and shorts. But the heat has to go. (Remind me of this statement in February.)

Ross is a dork. Sure, Joey is not smart and Chandler is a bit of a nerd, but Ross is a dork. A big dork.

Have you tried a Bacardi Mojito? They suck. It's essentially a Tom Collins with rum and crushed mint leaves. Who in the hell wants to drink something with leaves in it? It's like eating a bowl of Shredded Wheat with Creme de menthe. Just order a rum and coke and move on.

The people on Friends never seemed to drink much alcohol. Coffee, yes. Beer, not so much. Of course every time two of them got drunk together they ended up having sex. But isn't that the point?

I wonder if Chick is still up and would like a Mojito?

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