Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Night With Otis

I'm officially bored. I spent all day waiting for Chick to come home. The kids have been a terror lately. Hank is in a 'clingy' mode and Mo, well, Mo is two so she won't listen to me unless I'm holding a jar full of cookies. So, I thought we could all do something this evening to relieve the tension. Or at least my tension. Thanks to thunderstorms, that really didn't happen. I ran a few errands - okay, I went to the liquor store and Wendy's - while Chick played with the kids. Then we watched Handy Manny and an Elmo potty training video and everyone went to bed. Except me.

The Reds are winning 2-1 and they have the bases loaded right now so that could change. Never mind.

If you haven't read the Captain's Blog, you really should. There is a link to it in the previous Garden post. He's in Myrtle Beach on vacation with his family. Apparently there is a KISS Coffee House. That's marketing at its best. Not only can they charge way too much for a cup of coffee they can dress it up to seem really cool. I've got to try the Caramel Rockuccino.

Bronson Arroyo Rules! (Yeah, some of you know what that means.)

I'm nearly ready for football season. I've already participated in a fantasy mock-draft. Of my five baseball teams, two are doing very well, one is in the hunt and I've just about given up on the last two. That's the way it goes. I'm not sure how many football teams I'll have this season - five is a good bet. But fantasy football is a lot easier and a lot more luck. It's like golf - you can have a great weekend but if someone you're playing does better, you lose.

Did you know that Elmo was from Louisiana? At least his dad is, as he has a definite cajun accent. And who takes that many pictures of your kid on the toilet? Maybe that's my problem. I need to take the camera into the bathroom. Then I can post the photos in an entirely new blog -!

Actually, my problem may be that I've seen that damn video too many times! Next time Mo asks to watch it - and she does often - I'm just turning on Star Trek.

1 comment:

Andy Kirk said...

I have now put up a link to the Garden on the Captain's Blog. Good luck with the potty training. As you'll see in my post about Mt. Atlanticus at the end, Hunter isn't doing that great at it.