This is going to be a first for me. I admit that I edit most of what I write before I post but I have yet to actually change a paragraph after it has been posted. Although I have stated many times in the past that the Blog is fiction I feel a re-write is in order. Although I certainly did not intend to offend anyone, I apparently struck a few chords in the previous article. I was merely having some fun while venting a little. Here is a revised Mommy and Daddy paragraph from the previous posting:
Chick and I are having a baby. Actually, Chick is having the baby - I have already done my part. It's incredible how funny people act when you tell them you're having a baby. It's as if they never had sex in thier life. And then the questions get repetitive, so I've started creating different answers - Do you have any names picked out? Yes, Bonanza. That's what we want to name our kid, Bonanza. Do you want a boy or a girl? Yes, either a boy or a girl would be fine because an hermaphrodite would just be disturbing. I wouldn't know which kind of pull-ups to buy. Were you trying? No Aunt Martha, we were just fucking. Regardless of all the questions, we are extremely happy about starting a family and I am most looking forward to staying home and taking care of my child. That way, we can spend more time in the Garden.
P.S. - Chick tells me the proper spelling will be Bunanza.
other options:
Barnum for a boy - call me circus freak, but i like it.
tiberius beauregard for a boy - tae bo for short. or, switch the order and call him bow tie.
bunanza works, but he'll get called ponderosa or golden corral for the better part of his life. his favorite musical artist you ask? jimmy buffet. and the kids with less talent will simply scream ALL YOU CAN EAT at him in passing. unless they take the nick at nite tv route. than you've got hoss and little joe jokes till the cows come to speak.
ok, barnum was the only serious option above. it has cache. the rest of them? just tattoo "BEAT ME" on his forehead prior to starting school and save him some time.
we have a pool on who the kid will look like. and i know you will appreciate that the big money is on neither of you.
-- pool hopper
Still an Ass.
oh yeah, when's she due?
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